Monday, March 20, 2017


moon_phase_lastOn this day the Moon will be in a Third Quarter phase. Sometimes called a Last Quarter Moon, this phase occurs roughly 3 weeks after the New Moon when the earth is three quarter of the way through it’s orbit around the earth. If you live in the northern hemisphere the Moons left side will be illuminated and the right side dark. For thoughts of you in the southern hemisphere it will be the opposite with the right side illuminated. On the day of the Third Quarter phase the Moon will rise around midnight on the eastern horizon and set in the west around noon the next day. In the days following the Third Quarter Phase the Moon’s illumination will decrees each day until the New Moon.

Last Quarter Moon:   Release, let go, forgive.
Letting go, clearing away, cleansing, releasing, shedding old patterns, undoing bindings, opening up problem-knots, making space
Now is the time to let go, release, and forgive anything and everyone that you may feel has hurt you in any 
way.  It is a time of emptying self and allowing the universe to take over or whomever you trust in your faith.  
It is out of your hands and no more action is needed from you.

The moon is one-half and decreasing in illumination. This is like a half-way point - a kind of calm, contemplative time of introspection, reflection & re-evaluation for the future.  The seed has now planted fully and all harvests have been reaped. 

There is a sense of thinking about what has been accomplished, and shedding the old (including negative thoughts) before the new can come into place. This entails ridding of any kind of negative thoughts or energy for good so that you can focus positively on a higher universal perspective, take full responsibility, and allow for the creativity and growth that will manifest in the next stage of goals and new intentions. 

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