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The Waxing Moon begins on the right side of the moon. It grows from right to left. (This is in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, this is opposite.)

New Moon:  New beginnings, fresh start, blank page. optimism, hope and faith, 
The Lunar Phases begin at the New Moon.  Today it is all figured out when the actual New Moon occurs, 
but in ancient days the New Moon began at the first observance of the crescent Moon.
Historically, new moon spotters in Israel watched for the thin crescent to establish the beginning of each 
month. Once seen they reported their sighting to the calendar court authorities of the Sanhedrin. Note 
what one authority says, “Originally, the New Moon was not fixed by astronomical calculation, but was 
solemnly proclaimed after witnesses had testified to the reappearance of the crescent of the moon,” 
Encyclopaedia Judaica, Vol. 12, p. 1039., too, today as we cannot see the actual New Moon, the Dark of the Moon is a time for a fresh start, a 
clean slate, and a new beginning. It’s a time of gathering our thoughts, planning our campaign, and getting 
ready for announcing it at the Crescent Moon.

The new moon has no illumination. It appears dark and not visible (except during a solar eclipse). As it is dark, it denotes the beginning, with a primal instinct for birthing. The seed, as a symbol, is beneath the ground. So this represents the germination stage, where you can initiate the emergence of something new by setting your intentions for what you wish to grow. 

Energy from the New Moon up to the Full Moon gradually builds in strength and intensity, so the New Moon is the ideal time to set clear intentions and goals, start new projects and give rise to new ideas and ventures. This can be done in a magical way, by simply writing down or letting the universe know your goals and desires. The energy for bringing about your desires is even more greatly expanded when you create a little ritual, ceremony or personal meditation, and state your desires with heart-felt positivity and surety


(Waxing) Crescent Moon:  Intention, hopes, and wishes

Building, accomplishments, creativity, strength, growth and learning, positive transformation
The Crescent Moon is the time to announce our intentions, hopes, and wishes for the Lunar Month. It is 
good to write them down either on a piece of paper or in our Journal.  Journaling can be a valuable tool in 
our daily spiritual devotions.

After the new moon, the moon 'waxes', meaning it gets bigger and builds up in strength and intensity, signifying the sprouting growth of the seed. Waxing Crescent moon is partly illuminated by less than one-half, and increasing. Things are moving forward and there is the hope of more to come. It provides a burst of energy and forward moving strength and power that you can tap into. Our plans, dreams and ideas are growing and this is a great period to focus on anything which you would like to deepen, grow and commit to.  

The time between the new moon and full moon in general is ideal to enact on the new intentions that you set on the new moon. This is the perfect time to be positive, motivated and take action steps with faith. It is also an auspicious time to start something new, sign contracts or make big purchases. The energy of expansion supports new ideas and even the meeting of new people in your life. 

First Quarter Moon: Challenges, decisions, action.
The First Quarter Moon appears approximately a week after the New Moon.  We might call the First 
Quarter Moon, as well as the Last Quarter Moon, “the half Moon,” because the Moon appears cut in half.  It 
is not a quarter of a Moon at all in appearance.  

At the First Quarter Moon, we might meet challenges we had not prepared for.  We may need to make on-
the-spot decisions about how to proceed and then do what needs to be done in order for our intentions to 
manifest.  It is a time for action.

The moon is one-half and increasing in illumination. The seed is now presenting a root and plant structure on its way to growing and moving forward. 

This symbolizes a period of strength, determination, concentration, decision-making or re-evaluation, and commitment to action. 

During this time, remember to keep soldiering forward, despite any fears, emotions or doubts that might get in your way. Turn around any emotional energy into creative passion so that you can get things done and finish goals.

(Waxing) Gibbous Moon: Adjust, refine, edit.
At Gibbous Moon we may have to refine or edit our primary hopes.  Maybe something has happened that 
we cannot fulfill our intentions; maybe we changed our mind. Whatever has occurred, this is the time to 
rephrase or adjust/edit our written note.  There is nothing to fret about; it is a good thing to realize 
limitations or change of mind.  This is the time that it is easy to accommodate and adjust.
The moon is one-half but not fully illuminated, although increasing in illumination, therefore it represents gaining and attaining. So this can be applied to what you wish to gain and develop, such as friends, wealth, skills etc. 

Now the buds are preparing to bloom. This is the developmental stage where ideas and plans can be cultivated and fine-tuned before the next stage of manifestation.

Full Moon:  Signed, sealed, and stamped. 
Abundance, harvest, wish-fulfillment, manifesting desires, sexuality, achieving all dreams, protection 
This is the time that our contract is signed, sealed, and stamped.  Note that it is not necessarily delivered.  
It may be, but if it is not, do not be discouraged.  We still have two weeks to devote to this intentional 
period.  Know that the intention is “out there” in the universe and time is gathering all the circumstances 
and other people’s intentions and time frame together to make this happen the best way for all concerned.

Some teach that in six months the Full Moon will be in the same House as the New Moon occurring this 
month. Therefore, it may take six months for your intentions  to manifest rather than two weeks.

A full moon is full and round. It appears to be completely illuminated by direct sunlight as the sun and moon are directly opposite each other. Being fully-luminated, it represents fertility, transformation, completion and abundance. The seed is in full bloom. 

This period is called 'waning' because the once expanding energies will now be starting to diminish, or get smaller. This is why this is the perfect period to let go of anything that no longer serves your higher purpose, that you want to let go of, release or end. This can be anything from certain relationships, jobs, thoughts, situations and emotions, to de-cluttering and weight-loss. The moon will act in your favour and you will achieve good results. 

It is a potent and powerful time for  guidance, healing and magic, as well as positive intentions, including improving your psychic abilities. The evening before the full moon is perfect for recharging your energy. You can sit outside and bathe in the light of the moon. Also, place your crystals, oracle cards, meaningful jewelry and so on out in the moon or on a windowsill at this time to cleanse and charge up with the moon’s powerful cleansing energy.

(Waning Gibbous) Disseminating Moon:  Gratitude, sharing, enthusiasm.
This is the time to be grateful, talk about your intention to those who wish you well, share your hopes and 
wishes, and ask those who love you to keep good thoughts for you. Tell yourself enthusiastically that your 
intentions are “already done.”
During this time the moon is more than one-half but not fully illuminated, & decreasing. As the moon appears to be getting smaller, it is a good time to focus on ridding of things such as bad habits, stresses or negative thinking. 

This is also known as the dissemination moon, bringing about energies for heightened communication, revelation and completion. 


Last Quarter Moon:   Release, let go, forgive.
Letting go, clearing away, cleansing, releasing, shedding old patterns, undoing bindings, opening up problem-knots, making space
Now is the time to let go, release, and forgive anything and everyone that you may feel has hurt you in any 
way.  It is a time of emptying self and allowing the universe to take over or whomever you trust in your faith.  
It is out of your hands and no more action is needed from you.

The moon is one-half and decreasing in illumination. This is like a half-way point - a kind of calm, contemplative time of introspection, reflection & re-evaluation for the future.  The seed has now planted fully and all harvests have been reaped. 

There is a sense of thinking about what has been accomplished, and shedding the old (including negative thoughts) before the new can come into place. This entails ridding of any kind of negative thoughts or energy for good so that you can focus positively on a higher universal perspective, take full responsibility, and allow for the creativity and growth that will manifest in the next stage of goals and new intentions. 

(Waning Crescent) Balsamic Moon: Surrender, rest, recuperate.
Rest, Peace, deep wisdom, divination, contacting the guru within, letting things die away completely
Peace.  This is the time to surrender, rest, and recuperate.  No more thinking, planning, getting in your own 
way, or action of any kind; just peace. As the Moon slowly enters “the dark of the Moon,” we allow our visual 
minds  to become dark, too, and still.  Peace.

The waning crescent moon (also known as the Balsamic moon) is partly illuminated less than one-half, and decreasing. The old cycle ends and the new one is near. This is a time to withdraw from the world,  rest and renew yourself. It is also the final releasing & purging stage. Think things over, contemplate and complete anything remaining. Think of what you need to banish, such as relationships or projects that are no longer serving you or that you have lost interest in, as you prepare for new seeds with the start of the next cycle.

The Moon's gravity affects everything on Earth. It calls not only the waters but the very Earth.

Even though the Moon is so much smaller than the Sun, it is much closer to us. So it exerts over twice the gravitational force on the Earth than does the Sun.

And these lunar influences are a vital factor in the Earth's ability to support life.
One of the greatest powers of the Moon is its affect on the tide.
The Moon phase affects the tides not only of the ocean, but of the atmosphere and even the Earth. And of course, it affects people and animals too.
There are, in fact,5 tides of the moon (Ocean, Fire, Air, Earth, Blood tides
These tides are have a powerful effect on all things. In fact, the moon is responsible for all life on earth
It is no wonder, then, that the Moon is revered as one who gives abundance and grants wishes.

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